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Brazilian Butt Lifts are Hotter than Ever: We Answer All of Your Questions

The shape of your body is determined by both genetics and your environment, and our modern conception of beauty holds that having shapely buttocks is important for an attractive, well-proportioned body. If you’re not happy with the shape of your butt, you may wonder if surgery is your only option. It’s not. A Brazilian butt lift is an easy, safe procedure that’s performed in an outpatient setting, meaning you won’t have to stay overnight in a hospital, and you can recover in the comfort of your own home. 

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

A Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that involves transferring fat deposits from problem areas of your body into your buttocks instead of using implants. Through liposuction, your doctor removes fat deposits from your thighs, abdomen, hips, or lower back, and strategically inserts it into your buttocks to achieve the perfect curves. 

Our skilled providers at Her Secret Med Spa are highly skilled in performing Brazilian butt lift procedures. Doctors Eyad Hijazin, David Cangello, and Daniela Hijazin are knowledgeable, experienced, and compassionate doctors who answer all your questions and make sure you’re completely comfortable during the procedure.

What is the Brazilian butt lift procedure like?

Before the procedure begins, your doctor will discuss with you from where you want fat to be removed, and the exact shape of the buttocks you’re looking to get. Once you are comfortable, you’ll be given either a local or general anesthesia for the procedure. Your doctor then makes a series of small incisions, and, using liposuction, removes fat from the unwanted areas.

Your doctor then cleans the removed fat and prepares it for injection. Through another series of tiny incisions, the fat will be introduced into specific areas of your buttocks. A series of tiny stitches closes the injection sites so they can properly heal with minimal scarring. 

What makes the Brazilian butt lift so amazing?

The Brazilian butt lift is a safe and easy procedure that has a number of important benefits:

You get the butt you want

A Brazilian butt lift is a custom procedure, so you get the exact shape you want. Unlike a butt implant procedure that uses pre-fabricated silicone implants, a Brazilian butt lift consists of strategically placed fat injections that give you the perfect curves to fit your body. 

Two for one

One of the most amazing things about a Brazilian butt lift is that it’s a two-for-one procedure. You have fat removed from problem areas of your body, and then the fat is injected into your butt, where you want those gorgeous curves. In one single procedure, you get total body sculpting.

Long-lasting results

Once your Brazilian butt lift procedure is complete, you’ll have a few weeks of recovery time. Once your body has healed, your buttocks will have its finished contours and will retain its gorgeous curves permanently, giving you a lifetime to enjoy feeling attractive and confident.

Small incisions

To complete your Brazilian butt lift, your doctor uses very tiny incisions to remove your fat deposits and also makes tiny incisions to insert the fat in your buttocks. These small incisions speed healing time and result in very minimal scarring. 

Outpatient procedure

The Brazilian butt lift is a safe and easy procedure that has given millions of people the butt that they desire, allowing them to feel more confident and attractive. The lift is completed as an outpatient procedure, meaning that it is over in a few hours and you can return to the comfort of your own home to recover.  

Having shapely buttocks that fit your body is an important part of feeling attractive, being confident, and having your clothes fit you well. Since very few people are born with the butt they want, a Brazilian butt lift can make your dreams come true in one short, simple procedure.

Call Her Secret Med Spa or use our online scheduling tool to set up an appointment with our dedicated, experienced physicians, and start down the road to having your dream derriere today.

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